But I digress... I know a lot of people are going to be happy to send 2010 on its way. For me, however, it was a year of blessings. Personally, my son started his senior year of high school, my husband achieved a career goal, and we were finally able to buy (and move into) a house of our own. Professionally, I saw the release of my second novel (The Pastor's Wife
Then there's the new calendar. It's so pretty. It already contains (in no particular order):
- The January schedule for all the awesome ladies who contribute to my blog, The Pastor's Wife Speaks.
- Dates when I'm scheduled to blog elsewhere
- The deadline for my next book - April 1st!
- The date for the next ACFW Conference
- Special dates to remember for family and friends
I have no idea.
But here's what I do know: God loves me. My husband and son love me. My family and friends love me. I even love myself from time to time (something I think every woman on the planet struggles with). Being surrounded by that much love, everything else is just icing, right?
I can't wait to see how God fills up my calendar. May He fills yours with all that is good and lovely.
Be blessed!