I hate reading spoilers. Which is why I stay away from Twitter and Facebook until after I've seen the latest episode of LOST. That show's just too much fun to be spoiled! And it's also why I figured I should wait a few days before ruminating about the latest episode. But now that it's safe...
Grandfather Paradox? The episode opens with Penny and Desmond having a baby. Flash forward a couple of years and Desmond is on his way to Oxford to find Daniel Faraday's mother, but first, he says goodbye to Penny and the baby... little Charlie. On the island, our castaways end up in the 50s after another time flash. Locke is speaking to Richard and finds out that one of the Others is Charles. Charles Widmore. So Charles was on the island once... and Penny's baby is named Charlie... in LOST-land, I'm thinking it's quite possible that Charles is his own grandfather.
Somewhere in Time - Daniel left a girl behind in England. A girl that he did experiments on. Her sister said, "Sometimes she thinks she's three. Sometimes she talks to our dead father." So poor Theresa must be skipping around in time, at least in her mind.
See This Compass? When all the time jumping started, Richard found Locke, treated his leg wound, and gave him a compass. Where did Richard get the compass? In this episode, we find out that Locke gives it to him in the 50s jump, but Richard has never seen it before. So Richard gets it from Locke. And Locke got it from Richard. This is also the same compass from last season when Richard visited young Locke and asked him to pick which item he had owned. But of course, Locke didn't recognize it because Richard hadn't given it to him yet, because he hadn't gotten it from Locke yet because... Ouch. Brain cramp.
Are You My Mother? Daniel thought that Ellie, the woman taking him at gunpoint to the hydrogen bomb, was familiar. Could it be that Ellie is actually Eloise Hawking, who it appears is Daniel's mother? And since Widmore was on the island at the same time, what are the chances that he's Danny's daddy? Hmmm...
Okay, that's enough mind bending for one day. What about you? What crazy stuff have you found in LOST?
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Random LOST Thoughts
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Disney Jumps Ship but The Dawn Treader Still Sails
Fear not, Narnia fans, the adventure isn't over. Disney may not want to take a third trip to Narnia, but Fox is ready for the journey. According to an article posted yesterday on on Variety.com (read the whole piece here) 20th Century Fox will partner with Walden Media on "The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader." Tentatively scheduled for a winter 2010 release, the film welcomes back Ben Barnes, Skandar Keynes and Georgie Henley in the roles of Caspian, Edmund and Lucy (respectively).
I was a little worried when I heard Disney dropped out of this project, and a little confused. True, Caspian grossed less than the first Narnia installment, but it still did well. What's not to like about $141 million in North America and another $278 million internationally? Whatever their reasons, Disney has left Narnia, and a new champion has taken its place. I'm just glad we're going to be able to make at least one more trip.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Resources for Writers: CHRISTIAN WRITERS' MARKET GUIDE 2009
If you've been writing seriously for any period of time, you probably already know what a Market Guide is. But if you don't, here it is in a nutshell: If you're looking for guidelines and contact info for book pubishers, magazines, or agents, this is a great place to start. The big difference with Sally Stuart's guide is that it's specific to Christian markets.
At 547 pages, this brick of a book is packed with info. I particularly like the topical listings for book publishers and magazines. Rather than hunt and peck, trying to find someone who might be interested in publishing your puppet play, you can simply look it up in the topical index and go right to the short list.
New in this edition of the CWMG is a CD-ROM. It contains two Word documents. One is the actual Market Guide. The other is a very long document called "Resources for Writers" which contains over 100 new entries and two new sections, Writers' Helps and Writing Communities.
Another bonus is that Stuart has a blog which she updates regularly with industry changes, contests, conferences, and other interesting writer-related topics. Even if you don't buy the guide, you can still visit her blog at www.stuartmarket.blogspot.com.
According to the book's cover, this is "the essential reference tool for the Christian Writer." After going through it, I'd have a hard time arguing with that. This is a particularly nifty book for those just dipping their toes into the deceptively calm waters of Christian publishing. If you're writing with your eye on publication, this book deserves a place on your reference shelf.
Monday, January 26, 2009
CFBA presents THE RED SIREN by M.L. Tyndall

After college, she married and moved to California where she had two children and settled into a job at a local computer company. Although she had done everything the world expected, she was still miserable. She hated her job and her marriage was falling apart.
Still searching for purpose, adventure and true love, she spent her late twenties and early thirties doing all the things the world told her would make her happy, and after years, her children suffered, her second marriage suffered, and she was still miserable.
One day, she picked up her old Bible, dusted it off, and began to read. Somewhere in the middle, God opened her hardened heart to see that He was real, that He still loved her, and that He had a purpose for her life, if she'd only give her heart to Him completely.
Her current releases in the Legacy of The Kings Pirates series include:The Restitution, The Reliance, and The Redemption and The Falcon And The Sparrow

To that end, though a lady by day, she becomes a pirate by night and begins her sordid career off Portsmouth when she attacks and plunders a merchant ship commanded by the young Dajon Waite. Humiliated at being defeated by a pirate and a woman no less, Dajon returns home without cargo and ship, and his father expels him from the family merchant business.
After a brief sojourn into debased society, Dajon rejoins the Royal Navy, where he finds comfort in the strict rules and redemption through his service to others. Three years later, he is sent to the frontier outpost of Charles Town, South Carolina to deal with the pirate problem. There, he connects with his mentor and old friend, Admiral Westcott, who has just arrived with his three daughters.
Much to Dajon's utter dismay, Admiral Westcott, who is being called away to Spain, asks Dajon to be temporary guardian of his three lovely daughters. One of the ladies seems familiar to him, a striking redhead who immediately sends his heart thumping.
Faith recognizes Captain Waite as the buffoon whose ship she plundered off Portsmouth. Yet, he appears no longer the fool, but instead a tall, handsome and commanding naval officer. Despite her immediate attraction to him, she labels him the enemy, but sparks are guaranteed to fly during the next few months when independent, headstrong and rebellious Faith falls in love with God-fearing honorable, rule-following Dajon-especially when Faith continues her pirating off the Carolina coast while her father is away.
Will Dajon catch her? And what will this man of honor and duty do when he does?
If you would like to read the first chapter of The Red Siren, go HERE
Thursday, January 22, 2009
It's Oscar Time!
The Academy Award nominees were announced today. 2008 was a tough movie year for me. There were a lot I wanted to see, but I had less time than ever for movie going. Consequently, I have seen very few of the nominated movies, which makes it a lot harder for me to predict the winners. But I'm still going to give it a go. Here's who I think will win, and who would win if I was the one and only judge:
Best Actor in a Lead Role:
WILL WIN - Mickey Rourke in "The Wrestler" - Oscar loves a comeback story, and Mickey Rourke is the big one this year. It doesn't hurt that he was - from what I hear - great in this part.
SHOULD WIN - Brad Pitt in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" - I haven't seen the movie, but it's on my list. I think it looks terrific. And Pitt deserves this after making it through three "Oceans" movies still smelling rosy!
Best Actor in a Supporting Role:
WILL WIN - Philip Seymour Hoffman in "Doubt" - Even though Heath Ledger is the sentimental favorite, I think Hoffman's performance will win out.
SHOULD WIN - Robert Downey Jr. in "Tropic Thunder" - Downey's another survivor story. He had two big hits in 2008 (also "Iron Man"). And this is one category where a comedic actor has a shot.
Best Actress in a Lead Role:
WILL WIN - Kate Winslet in "The Reader" - You can't win em all, Meryl.
SHOULD WIN - I'm torn between Anne Hathaway ("Rachel Getting Married") and Angelina Jolie ("Changeling"). These two very different actresses are both worthy of the honor. One thing's certain: if Winslet wins, she may not want to be alone in the bathroom with Jolie (if you saw Angie at the Golden Globes while Winslet gushed, you know what I'm talking about!)Best Actress in a Supporting Role:
WILL WIN - Viola Davis in "Doubt" - I've heard strong buzz about this actress, and Oscar seems to gravitate toward little known actresses in this category.
SHOULD WIN - Amy Adams in "Doubt" - I just love Amy Adams!
Best Animated Feature Film:
WILL WIN - WALL-E - I've actually seen this one! What a powerful, moving, incredible movie. I am now convinced that Pixar can do anything.
SHOULD WIN - WALL-E - I wish there could be a tie, because I loved "Kung Fu Panda" as well, but WALL-E is the clear winner.
Best Motion Picture:
WILL WIN - Slumdog Millionaire - Buzz, buzz, buzz. And everyone I know who's seen it has loved it. So there you go.
SHOULD WIN - Sadly, I have seen none of the nominated movies. But I love the premise of "Benjamin Button." And, being almost three hours long, it gives you great value: if you're going to pay $10 for admission, don't you want to stay in the theater as long as possible? Pass me the big bucket of popcorn!
Dreaming with Amber Stockton - WIN HER BOOK!
A big welcome to today's guest blogger, author Amber Stockton!
Such a broad topic, yet it's one with which I am quite familiar. Who isn't? After all, without dreams, we wouldn't have much of a purpose in this life. Dreams keep us going from day to day, even when the going gets tough. Dreams give us something on which to pin our hopes and sights, despite the current mire or quicksand we might be enduring.
Let me tell you, I know all about getting stuck in the mire and feeling like I'd never get out. That was me only a little over 2 years ago. Then, God opened the floodgate, and I was blessed beyond my wildest imaginations!
How about we start at the beginning, though? :)
I'll confess, I'll be 33 later this year. Most women don't like to admit that, but it's important to what I'm about to share with you. Because, you see, I spent an entire decade of my life hoping something would change and praying that at least one of my dreams might be realized. After high school and college, I found myself at a crossroads. So many of my friends had graduated, knowing exactly what they wanted to do and who would be by their side as they did it. Me? I had no clue. Worse yet, I was still alone and single. In fact, at 22, I had yet to have a boyfriend or even experience my first date.
I'd graduated with a degree in elementary education and received a certification to teach. I even did that for 2 years before realizing this just wasn't where I was meant to be. So, instead, I became an administrative assistant and remained working at the local Christian bookstore where I'd been hired 3 years prior. Staying busy helped keep my mind off of my loneliness, but it didn't eliminate the reality by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, when I wasn't working, I spent my time alone at home, still living with my parents, holed up in my room or office.
During this time, I dabbled in the writing world, experimenting with some fan fiction and short stories. I also began a correspondence with a favorite author, Tracie Peterson, via email. Three years later, in 2002, she encouraged me to join a newly formed national writer's organization, at the time known as ACRW (American Christian Romance Writers). Today, that organization is ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) and is the premier Christian fiction organization in the world. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Believing it couldn't hurt, I joined and in October of that year attended my first writer's conference. That's where I met many other writers and authors and discovered that I'd love to join the crazy bunch by becoming a published author. However, I had no clue how to even begin. Enter another author, Linda Windsor, who lived somewhat nearby and offered to take me under her wing, not to mention all of the valuable instruction and guidance ACFW offered through their annual conferences, online courses and email discussion lists.
Now, obviously, there are a lot of details I'm omitting. I'm trying to keep this short and to the point, though. :)
So, back to Linda and the mentoring she offered. Because of her help, in late 2004 I had a proposal ready to send to Barbour Publishing's romance book club, Heartsong Presents. Despite my fear and trepidation, I submitted the proposal. Then, I waited.
Six months later, I hadn't heard anything. It was now the summer of 2005. I followed up with the editor, who happened to be Tracie Peterson's husband. They are no longer involved with the club line, but they were responsible for helping me get my foot in the door. Anyway, a few weeks later, I received an email from Jim saying the file had some issues, and he couldn't open it. So, I sent it again. Six weeks later, while attending the annual ACFW conference that year in Nashville, Jim came up to me and told me to check my email. I did and to my delight, he had replied saying he wanted to see the full manuscript. I nearly cried with joy.
I suppose I should also interject the little tidbit that the previous year at the conference in Denver, I had met a young man who wrote science fiction and had been brave enough to join a romance writer's organization a few weeks before it changed its name to straight fiction writers. Earlier in 2005, we had started an online correspondence via email and instant message and formed a fast friendship. I guess the 2000 miles separating us made it easier. We met up again in Nashville and spent a good deal of time hanging out and having fun. Several married ladies at the conference started plotting to get us together, but we were fine being friends.
Anyway, back to the manuscript. Upon returning home, I went straight to work, finishing the novel and sending it to Linda for proofing. It took about four months, but by January in 2006, I had sent off the full book to Jim.
Again, I waited.
During this time, my friendship with Stuart began to progress, and I found myself looking forward to each evening when he'd come home from work and log online to chat. There were days we'd spend hours talking through instant message. Time held no meaning. At first, he wasn't planning to attend the conference in Dallas that year, but I persuaded him otherwise. Just before the conference, I received word that Jim Peterson loved the book and was giving his full recommendation to Tracie that Barbour move forward with purchasing it!
You can no doubt imagine my delight. It took another four months before I received the actual notice that they were going to buy my book, and just before Christmas that year, I received my very first book contract!
As I still worked retail at the time and it was Christmas, I didn't get home until late. Stuart, living two time zones away) was the only one online for me to share my good news. Everyone else in my house was asleep and I didn't want to wake them. About a week later, still flying high on the euphoric reality that I'd soon be a published author, I again was chatting with Stuart when he suggested he fly out to see me and we celebrate by catching a show in New York City. After spending a lot of time together at the last conference and parting ways with me feeling like things were going nowhere between us, I jumped at the chance.
He arrived in March of 2007 and after four days together, we had no doubts about our feelings. One week later, we were engaged, and five months later in July of 2007, we were married! And yes, there are a lot of details again that I'm leaving out. If you want to read the full story, you can check out the main page of my web site. Click on the Wedding Day Story then the Engagement Announcement. :)
After leaving everything I knew to move to Colorado and be with my husband, it took another six months before I received the very first copy of my book, hot off the press. Still, having Stuart there to rejoice with me meant more than I could ever put into words. That book released in February of 2008 and was followed by my next two books in July and November. During this time, I also signed contracts for three more books which release this year.
In the midst of all of this, there is another exciting development. I know, hard to believe it could possibly get better, right? Well, it did. In August of last year, Stuart and I discovered we were expecting our very first child, who is due in March.
So, as you can see, a lot has happened in a short amount of time. Looking back, it still feels like I might have wasted a lot of time in my 20's wondering when life would happen to me and when I'd see my dreams come true. However, seeing where my life is now and what's looming on the horizon, I realize all of that in my past had to happen to make way for what was to come and what will still be coming my way.
If you've found yourself in a similar situation, don't give up hope. That's the worst thing in the world you could allow to happen. I might have allowed slight depression to get me down, but I kept moving forward...even in tiny steps. God's voice kept whispering to me that my time would come. Although I got angry with Him and even yelled a bit, I now can look back and see the big picture along with His overall plan for my life.
Today, I couldn't be happier than where I am right now. Joy fills me as I look forward to all that God has in store, and the dreams in my heart that have yet to be fulfilled or realized. To those of you down in the trenches, I've been there. I'm speaking to you and begging you to keep holding on to your dreams. Keep forging ahead. You just never know when everything you ever imagined for yourself might be over that next hill. But you have to climb the hill to find out. If I can impress upon you one thing from this story, it's this:
Never, ever, ever give up.
(Thanks, Jennifer, for having me here today. I hope some of your readers are inspired by this story of mine. And if anyone wishes to leave a comment, you'll be entered in a drawing to win an autographed copy of my next book releasing in April, Copper and Candles. Feel free to also comment on the story or share your thoughts. I'd love to hear from you.)
Amber Stockton is an author and freelance web site designer who lives with her husband and fellow author in beautiful Colorado Springs. They are expecting their first child in March and have a vivacious puppy named Roxie, who is half Border Collie and half Flat-Haired Retriever. She has sold six books to the Heartsong Presents line of Barbour Publishing. Other writing credits include several writing articles for national and international publications, five short stories with Romancing the Christian Heart, and book contributions to 101 Ways to Romance Your Marriage and Grit for the Oyster. Read more about her at her web site: www.ambermiller.com.
ABOUT THE BOOK - Copper and CandlesSociety teas and garden parties, shopping, gossip—Life as a young lady of means may be fun, but Felicity wants to do more. Unfortunately, she finds that her position and wealth can sometimes hinder her efforts to help those around her in need. Thus, when a charity case falls ill and cannot work, Felicity determines to go to work as a commoner in Detroit's dangerous factory district. Relationships become complicated, however, and she soon finds herself falling in love with a worker from the copper refinery next door. She knows her family would never accept him as a suitor, but what's a girl to do? What she doesn't know is that Brandt has his own secrets and hides his identity just as carefully as she. Brandt and Felicity soon discover that deception—no matter how noble its intent—demands a price that even they, with all their resources, may not be able to pay. Can they survive the storm when truth is revealed?
If you’d like to be entered to win a copy of Copper and Candles, just leave a reply to this blog. I’ll pick a winner at random on January 29th. Please leave an email address so I can contact you if you're the winner. (To prevent spammers from trolling for your email, please use this format with the brackets--you [at] yourmail [dot] com--or something similar.) Please note that this book releases in April, so the winner's book will be sent out in late March. Good luck!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
CFBA Presents STAND-IN GROOM by Kaye Dacus

She currently serves as President of Middle Tennessee Christian Writers, which she co-founded in 2003 with three other writers. Each month, she teaches a two-hour workshop on an aspect of the craft of writing at the MTCW monthly meeting. But her greatest joy comes from mentoring new writers through her website and seeing them experience those “aha” moments when a tricky concept becomes clear.

George came to Louisiana to plan his employer's wedding and pose as the groom. But how can he feign affection for a supposed fiancee when he's so achingly attracted to the wedding planner? And what will happen when Anne discovers his role has been Stand-In Groom only? Will she ever trust George again? Can God help these two believers find a happy ending?
If you would like to read the first chapter of Stand-In Groom, go HERE
What they're saying about it:
“Dacus pulls off a delightful story that places readers in the heart of the South with the debut of the Brides of Bonneterre series. Readers will enjoy this look at how lives are transformed through devastating events and how forgiveness is the key to a promising future. Nothing is as it seems in this heartwarming story.”
–Romantic Times, 4-Star Review
“Absolutely delightful! I enjoyed Stand-In Groom from cover to cover! Ms. Dacus’s clever story and wonderful prose will draw you away to a place deep in the heart of Louisiana, surrounding you with the scents, sounds, and sights of the deep south. A story filled with romance and intrigue, betrayal and forgiveness, I found myself laughing, crying and rejoicing right along with the characters.”
–M.L. Tyndall, author of The Falcon and the Sparrow and the award-winning Legacy of the King’s Pirates series
“Stand-In Groom is as sweet, beautiful, and chaotic as a perfectly planned wedding. Anne is a bright and wounded heroine you’re going to care about for a long time. George is a hero to capture your heart. Kaye Dacus will take you along for a fun, poignent ride in Stand-In Groom.”
–Mary Connealy, author of the Lassoed in Texas series and Of Mice...and Murder
With Stand-In Groom, Kaye Dacus takes us into the hectic world of Anne Hawthorne, an up-and-coming wedding planner. Being around all things love, you'd think her life would be full of romance. But between her hectic schedule and a painful past, Anne's heart has not been spoken for. Until she falls for the absolutely wrong man... the groom!
Secret identities, misunderstandings, and grudges are just a few of the hurdles between Anne and Englishman George Laurence. But God has plans bigger than the two of them!
In her first novel, Dacus creates a fascinating group of characters. Anne is not your typical love-story heroine, and she's all the better for it. Her extended family and friends enrich the plot, as does the Louisianna setting. I completely enjoyed this sweet, charming story of two people who deserve to find love... whether they know it or not!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Dreamin' with Susan Page Davis - WIN 2 OF HER BOOKS!
A big welcome to today's guest blogger, Susan Page Davis!When I was a child, I dreamed of having a pony. Pure black, with a western saddle and bridle. Now I have other dreams. Special times with my children and grandchildren. Finishing projects I’ve planned for a long time.
But sometimes dreams can take us in the wrong direction. As Claudia Gillette, the heroine of my new book, Inside Story, learns, her long-held dreams of success may be off kilter. She wants to shed her old ties and her background as a small-town girl. As an honored journalist whom others respect, she finds that what she once dreamed of is empty without a love and a family. She draws back toward her parents and sisters and finds that God’s family is even more supportive. Claudia goes from being willing to sacrifice anything to get what she perceives as the ultimate news story to giving up her tarnished dreams for love and peace.
In the meanwhile, she is dropped into the wildest adventure she could imagine, dodging bullets in the jungle and helping to rescue a family in dire need. I hope you’ll join Claudia as she learns to set her heart on things that really matter.
Susan Page Davis is a prolific writer. She’s the mother of six and grandmother of five. She and her husband Jim, a newspaper editor, live in rural Maine. To find out more about Susan and her books, visit www.susanpagedavis.com
ABOUT THE BOOK - Inside Story
Claudia Gillette is a prize-winning journalist at a high-profile magazine.She prides herself in her cool independence—traveling the globe, beating the deadline. Landing the interview with Heidi Taber, the only female in an elite U.S. Navy special operations unit, is yet another rung on her ladder of career successes.
Lieutenant Bill White is not happy about the journalist standing in front of him in the midst of the Philippine jungle. He has no time for public relations campaigns—certainly not during a covert mission to rescue a well-known aerophysicist from terrorists.
As shells explode and tracer fire streaks the air, Claudia finds herself caught up in a danger she never expected…or wanted. With lives at stake, she fears her presence in the unit is their greatest detriment to survival. Will she find the strength to live through the nightmare…or has her ambition cost her her life?
Susan has graciously offered to give away not one, but TWO books! If you’d like to be entered to win a copy of Inside Story and the first book in the American Hero series, Frasier Island, just leave a reply to this blog. I’ll pick a winner at random on January 22nd. Please leave an email address so I can contact you if you're the winner. (To prevent spammers from trolling for your email, please use this format with the brackets--you [at] yourmail [dot] com--or something similar.) Good luck!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
CFBA Presents KISS by Ted Dekker & Erin Healy

After graduating from a multi-cultural high school, he took up permanent residence in the United States to study Religion and Philosophy. After earning his Bachelor's Degree, Dekker entered the corporate world in management for a large healthcare company in California. Dekker was quickly recognized as a talent in the field of marketing and was soon promoted to Director of Marketing. This experience gave him a background which enabled him to eventually form his own company and steadily climb the corporate ladder.
Since 1997, Dekker has written full-time. He states that each time he writes, he finds his understanding of life and love just a little clearer and his expression of that understanding a little more vivid. Dekker's body of work encompassing seven mysteries, three thrillers and ten fantasies includes Heaven's Wager, When Heaven Weeps, Thunder of Heaven, Blessed Child, A Man Called Blessed, Blink, Thr3e, The Circle Trilogy (Black, Red, White), Obsessed, Renegade, and Chaos.

She began working with Ted Dekker in 2002 and edited twelve of his heart-pounding stories before their collaboration on Kiss, the first novel to seat her on "the other side of the desk."
Erin is the owner of WordWright Editorial Services, a Colorado-based consulting firm specializing in fiction book development. She and her husband, Tim, are the proud parents of two children.

Let me tell you all I know for sure. My name. Shauna.Sometimes dying with the truth is better than living with a lie.
I woke up in a hospital bed missing six months of my memory. In the room was my loving boyfriend-how could I have forgotten him?-my uncle and my abusive stepmother. Everyone blames me for the tragic car accident that left me near death and my dear brother brain damaged. But what they say can't be true-can it?
I believe the medicine is doing strange things to my memory. I'm unsure who I can trust and who I should run from. And I'm starting to remember things I've never known. Things not about me. I think I'm going crazy.
And even worse, I think they want to kill me.
But who? And for what? Is dying for the truth really better than living with a lie?
After a car accident puts Shauna McAllister in a coma and wipes out six months of her memory, she returns to her childhood home to recover, but her arrival is fraught with confusion.
Her estranged father, a senator bidding on the White House, and her abusive stepmother blame Shauna for the tragedy, which has left her beloved brother severely brain damaged. Leaning on Wayne Spade, a forgotten but hopeful lover who stays by her side, Shauna tries to sort out what happened that night by jarring her memory to life. Instead, she acquires a mysterious mental ability that will either lead her to truth or get her killed by the people trying to hide it.
In this blind game of cat and mouse that stares even the darkest memories in the face, Shauna is sure of only one thing: if she remembers, she dies.
If you would like to read the first chapter of KISS, go HERE
What people are saying about KISS:
“The human brain could actually be the real final frontier—we know so little about it and yet it drives the world as we know it. So when authors like Erin and Ted bravely explore these mysterious regions, going into complex places like memory and soul and relationships, I become hooked. The creativity of this suspenseful story is sure to hook other readers as well. Very memorable!”
~Melody Carlson, author of Finding Alice and The Other Side of Darkness
“Dekker and Healy prove a winning team in this intriguing, imaginative thriller.”
~James Scott Bell, bestselling author of Try Darkness
“Kiss by Erin Healy and Ted Dekker is a superb thriller that hooked me from the first sentence. The original plot kept me guessing, and I may never look at a kiss the same way again. I’ll be watching for the next book!”
~Colleen Coble, author of Cry in the Night
“The writing team of Erin Healy and Ted Dekker has taken me through a page-turner with Kiss. It’s one of those books that you think about when you’re not reading it. I highly recommend it, especially if you don’t mind staying up late because you can’t put the book down!”
~Rene Gutteridge, author of Skid and My Life As a Doormat
I started this book with great excitement and high hopes. The premise sounded fascinating and it's the first book I've read by Ted Dekker (co-written with Erin Healy).
It started out great. The prologue grabbed me and I couldn't stop turning the pages. I read the first half in one day. Almost in one sitting. Twists, turns, high stakes, and a maze of clues all made for an exhilarating read. But, once Shauna starts figuring out who she can and cannot trust, it started to lose me. More than once, she puts herself in situations that make no sense. Her father, Landon McAllister, seems a bit gullible for a presidential candidate. And the final confrontation felt somewhat anticlimactic, with Shauna not taking a big enough role.
Having said all that, I still enjoyed the book and would rate it at 4 out of 5 stars. I just wish the end had lived up to the promise of the beginning.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Dream, Dream, Dream with Cara Putman & WIN HER BOOK!
A big welcome to today's guest blogger, Cara Putman!
Dream, Dream,
As I started thinking about this post, I began hearing the Everly Brothers song. Dreaeaeaeam, dream ,dream, dream…
It’s the beginning of a new year, and I’ve been asking God what the next dream should be. At one time, my dream was to write books. Now I have. Four are out. Three more are written and releasing in 2009. I’ll write two more in the next six months. Then, I don’t know.
Hence, it’s time to dream.
But it doesn’t matter what you do. Dreams are critical. Solomon made it clear in Proverbs 29:18: without a vision the people perish. Then in Psalm 37:4: delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of you heart.
That last one is my life’s verse. As I chase God, I’ll draw closer to His heart. In the process my delights and dreams line up with His. I love that! And I’ve seen that.
Usually, I don’t have a problem dreaming. I’ve pushed myself with dreams throughout my life. I got the crazy idea I’d start college at 16. Then I did. I got the crazy idea that I’d go to law school and clerk for a federal judge. Then I did. I got the crazy idea I could actually write a book. Then I did. Each time, God birthed and/or blessed the dream. But each result started with that germ of a dream.
So what now? I sense a change coming, but I don’t know what it is. Anyone else there? Scary, but what a great opportunity to lean into God and hear His heart for me. Slow down and focus on His heartbeat.
Match my dream to His.
So sing with me….dreeeeaaaammm, dream, dream, dream…
Cara Putman is a multi-published author. She writes World War Two historical romance for Heartsong Presents and romantic suspense for Love Inspired Suspense. She lives with her family in Indiana, where she is an attorney and lecturer at Purdue University. You can learn more about Cara at her website: http://www.caraputman.com.
ABOUT THE BOOK - Captive Dreams

Anna doesn’t know how to go on.
Anna Goodman’s mother is dead, her father has given up on life, and her brother, Brent, goes missing in action in World War II. Even though she has a full-time war job, she feels she must keep the family farm going so that Brent will have something to come home to. She won't let herself think that he might never return. Any dreams Anna has for her future are held captive by the responsibilities the war and life have thrust upon her.
If only Anna didn't have to rely on help from German prisoners -- or from Specialist Sid Chance, the cocky know-it-all who oversees the prisoners' work. In her heart, she knows she can't do everything demanded of her, but whom can she trust to carry the burden with her?
If you’d like to be entered to win a copy of Captive Dreams just leave a reply to this blog. I’ll pick a winner at random on January 19th. (NOTE: Sorry, no international entries for this one.) Please leave an email address so I can contact you if you're the winner. (To prevent spammers from trolling for your email, please use this format with the brackets--you [at] yourmail [dot] com--or something similar.) Good luck!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Dreams Past & Future by Grace Bridges - WIN HER BOOK!
Welcome to today's guest blogger, author Grace Bridges!
Dreams Past and Future
As the new year gets going it's a good time to consider the year gone by before turning to the one to come. Last year at this time I was living in Germany, working for the police. Now I live in New Zealand and work for myself. In between were all sorts of adventures, mostly of my own choosing.
After seven years in Germany I decided it was time to come home. But not directly. I'd always dreamed of spending more time in Ireland, so that's what I did. From May to August I lived on the coast near Dublin, and spent September in a seaside town near Belfast. My plan-making seemed kissed with blessing from the very start: the first landlady I rented a room from is a Christian, as were all the others living in the house. A sea view from my room provided inspiration for my summer of writing: finishing one manuscript and writing another in its entirety as well as completing a dozen full-length critiques in exchange for the input I needed on my own work. I made many friends, some for life; I was able to help out the local church as a worship leader for three months; I walked the beaches, traveled the country a bit, and soaked in that wonderful, damp Celtic summer. And after that, my hosts in the North wouldn't hear of payment at all, although we were strangers until the day I arrived in their house. I have to shake my head and wonder. Surely this is not usual?
After that I flew to New York and began a two-month odyssey across the States. Here I met many online author friends and even some fans! While the journey was indeed arduous, it was such a privilege to be a guest in home after home across the country. These people are more than Internet acquaintances now. And how wonderful to talk authorly things in person! Plans were made for ocean-crossing cooperation in various online projects and book publishing, but that's another story.
One month ago I stepped off the plane from L.A. in my hometown of Auckland, New Zealand. The southern summer was about to hit in full force, and I reveled (still do, actually!) in the beaches and lush subtropical suburbs. A time of waiting ensued, and I painted some rooms at my parents' house while considering my next move. Literally. Now that move is completed as I now live in a shared house with a wonderful outlook including the (somewhat distant) sea; the swimming pool is rather more than I dreamed of!
And so that sense of dreamy wonder follows me still. I have been given more than I imagined possible. This is just the start; as I gain a new footing in my homeland, write more books, and develop my business, may this awed gratitude ever remain for the - ahem - unusual things my Creator hands me.
ABOUT THE BOOK - Faith Awakened
In virtual stasis to escape a deadly virus, an ex-slave finds far more than just survival...

Faith, too, grows up in Ireland, but it has little in common with the homeland Mariah knew. Sometimes she thinks her life is perfect, asking herself, “If this is a dream, when am I going to wake up?” Other times it seems repetitive and monotonous. She experiences much to delight her, but also suffers from inexplicable bouts of amnesia that rob her of the past again and again. Seeking answers, she travels much in the free world, where disappointments and successes vie for the upper hand until she finally finds fulfillment in spite of all her disasters. n spite of all her disasters.
If you’d like to be entered to win a copy of Faith Awakened just leave a reply to this blog. I’ll pick a winner at random on January 15th. Please leave an email address so I can contact you if you're the winner. (To prevent spammers from trolling for your email, please use this format with the brackets--you [at] yourmail [dot] com--or something similar.) Good luck!
Love Those Libraries!
I think public libraries are fabulous! And here are a few reasons why:
Free Stuff - Where else can you get books, periodicals, CDs and DVDs for free? Of course, you have to take them back before the due date, but that's not too hard.
Because I have so many other outlets for books, I usually only pickup DVDs and CDs. You have to be patient, because there's a waiting list for new releases, but thanks to the Summerlin Library my family has watched the entire Alias series (so much fun to revisit), the first three seasons of Stargate Atlantis (still waiting on Season 4), and various miscellaneous movies. It also gives me the chance to try out a CD before I buy it.
Online Request System - I don't know if every library has this, but here in Clark County, we can log in to the website and request items. When they arrive, you get an email letting you know. How cool is that?They've Got My Book! - I did some searching today and found that my book is in 203 libraries. Now I realize that's not as many as a lot of other authors, but for me, a first timer, it's exciting. It's also cool to see how many times it's been checked out at various locations. It means people have read it! (If you want to know more about the book, check out my website.)
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
In Case You Care...
I haven't fallen off the face of the earth! Holidays and vacations are great, but I get soooo behind during those times. Which is why I haven't put up a new post till now. But, here's a quick recap of what's up with me:
Visited Relatives in California - Saw my mom and some close family friends in Duarte and Billy's godparents in Fallbrook.
Went to Disneyland on New Year's Day - There will be a post and pictures about this soon.
Set New Writing Goals - My goal for 2009 is to write at least 1000 words a day on whatever my current WIP is. Right now, that's Vinnie's Diner, a spec-fiction novel.
Sent a Follow-Up on a Query - I originally sent the query in June, and this is my second follow-up. Either they're hoping I'll give up, or they're just swamped. Since I got a reply to the first follow-up, I'm believing it's the latter.
Praying About an Agent - This is a tough one. I know the agent I want to query. Met him at the ACFW conference in September and was really impressed with him. But I don't want to blow it. I'm not sure if it would be better to send an email query or to wait until the next conference and have a face-to-face. So I'm just gonna keep praying for now!
That's most of the new stuff on my horizon. How about you? Anything new and exciting in 2009?
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year 2009!
2 Corinthians 5:17
(New Living Translation)
This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
May you enjoy another year
as a new creation!